Trade Like The Profitable 10%
STOP Guessing & END Losses in Just 30 Days

START MY TRIAL – 100% Free
Accepting new members for a limited time only!

With every loss, you FUND someone else’s dream.

Trading is a zero-sum game.

When you take a bad trade, you directly fund some other professional trader's lifestyle. 

Your hard-earned savings for that down payment?
It's now a deposit on their vacation home. 

The side income you were hoping to build up?
It just bought them a Porsche 911.

Enough is enough. what do YOU want from trading?

And don’t say “money.”

Dig deeper.

I got into this to escape the 9-to-5 dystopia and spend that time with my family instead.

Others in our community have equally inspiring motivations…

Sheryl trades because she wants to be present for the birth of every grandchild.

Tom trades because he wants to put his days of long-haul truck driving behind him and spend more time training for marathons.

Seth trades because he wants to live off the grid and spend his days enjoying God’s green earth with nothing but his sleeper van and dog.  

For many, it’s just the thought of breathing easy, knowing their future is secure.

Whatever brought you here, let’s agree that there's no time to delay reaching your "WHY".

You work too hard to keep playing a losing game.

But how do you start winning when odds are stacked against you?


Open the calculator on your phone or computer and add up all your losses from the past year. 

Now imagine where you'd be if you simply never took those trades. 

Take it a step further:

What if you had been on the opposite side of those losing trades? 

Of course, we can't get back lost capital. 

But we CAN change course!

Why >90% Choose to Lose

I've been coaching traders since February 14, 2010.

So believe me when I say...

I've seen traders make about EVERY MISTAKE imaginable

But it almost always boils down to just 2 root causes:

Lacking a proven trading process. Most try to “wing it” or chase the next shiny indicator or move from one "Holy Grail" system to the next. Without a proven process traders are susceptible to over-trading, under-trading, and FOMO-ing into trades, typically until the losses accumulate and the trader throws in the towel.

Trading real money too soon. Imagine if surgeons started operating on patients right out of high school without any medical training. That's essentially what traders are doing when they put real capital at risk without proven strategies or guidance. The learning needs to happen FIRST.

What do these common pitfalls have in common? 

Both are choices.

Want to change your results? 

Make different choices!

The path to profitability isn't nearly as elusive as the 90% failure rate suggests... 

So why aren't more traders getting the help they need? 

Speaking from experience (ahem), EGO is usually the culprit. 

Just like I did, most traders think they can figure it out alone. 

And let me tell you, I was one stubborn S.O.B...

ONce I lost $10k on a single trade…

This was many years ago, but the moment is seared in my brain.

I remember at first I was only risking $200…

Then I was risking $400…

Then $1400…


Then, all of a sudden, I hit the SELL button for a $10,262 loss.  

I didn't even have that money to lose.

I had to ask myself:

"Am I really going to do this again tomorrow?  

Or is this just ridiculous and I should just quit?" 

For me, the biggest hurdle was admitting that I was wrong.

Admitting that I had no idea what I was doing.

There was a period I remember waking up every morning wondering how much money am I going to lose today…

Looking back, it’s obvious.

I didn’t have a process, and I was trading from a place of desperation.

For some crazy reason, I kept on trading through years of losses, because I knew somehow I was going to figure this out. 

I didn't know how, I didn't know when, I didn't know where. 

But thank GOD I ultimately found the right people, made the right decisions, and most importantly...

I learned when NOT to trade!

Don't miss out on life; trade less.

And now...HOW TO “Rev Up” your trading in 30 days

Get it? The name’s Reven... I know, bad pun.

Anyway! Let’s be clear:

I’m not saying you’ll be the one buying a Porsche next month. 

If you want to get rich overnight, look elsewhere.

What I'm about to share is for serious traders only.

Still here? 

Good. Here’s what I'll promise you CAN do in 30 days:

— Stop losing money
— Identify the dysfunctional patterns keeping you from winning
— Improve your trading confidence
— Develop a personalized path to long-term profitability.

The process is simple, but YOU CAN’T HALF-A$$ IT!

STEP 1 Our traders acquire a simple, repeatable strategy.

The $ES_f (futures) system we trade every day in Live Trading Desk (LTD) is designed for all levels of traders.

No capital is required to trade, either.

The patterns are identifiable and provide clear entry/exit rules.

Applied correctly, the strategy pays for itself, at minimum, with every trade.

If you’ve traded before, you can probably get up to speed in a couple of days.

Starting from scratch, our brand-new traders usually ramp up in a couple of weeks. 

STEP 2 Our traders attend the members-only live stream.

This is a focused space for serious students of the market.

We also have a good time... :)

I host this room personally every day, confirming good set ups, but most importantly, I keep you from doing anything stupid!

Markets change in real time. Trade decisions are instant.

You get to watch how a professional deals with ever-changing market conditions and how to act in response.

STEP 3 Our traders document every trade in a journal.

Our trading improves through ruthless honesty with ourselves.

You’ll need to start exercising self-awareness like a muscle.

We’ll tell you exactly what data you need to track, which will reveal exactly what you need to do to get on the path to profits.

Our progression as traders comes from assessing real data against our assumptions!

STEP 4 and beyond Repeat daily, and grow together.

Consistency builds skills and confidence.

The market reveals more lessons with each trade.

Our traders benefit from being surrounded by a supporting community that keeps them accountable.

Our community celebrates wins together, lifts up those who are struggling, and lends a helping hand whenever we can. 

Don't just follow blindly—
BECOME a pro trader.

Learn to trade the market flow, and unlock
your future with futures in the
Live Trading Desk

Sound like an unlikely path to profits?

Maybe so.

If Live Trading Desk IS unique, it’s not because we’re doing anything complicated or fancy over here at Market Flow Trader. 

Trading can be downright boring sometimes...


The name of the game is FEWER, BETTER TRADES!

A serious trader knows that committing to the small stuff is what pays big. 

At first glance, you might think the strategy we trade is too simple. 

But that’s the beauty of it. 

By eliminating all the extra variables, you start making real progress toward profitability. 

That said, It’s not the strategy that unlocks profitability...

It’s YOU.

This isn't going to be a walk in the park. 

Anything worth doing requires dedication. 

But if you’re serious about making trading work for you, I CAN promise you'll be working toward your desired destination, instead of spinning in circles.

If you complete the outlined steps...

You WILL have more clarity and confidence as a trader

You WILL understand exactly how to reach profitability

I think you'll be shocked at how quickly things come together once we slow down, shine a light on our behaviors, and open our minds.

ABOUT time I introduce myself, properly.

Seeing as we might spend quite a lot of time together...

I owe you a proper hello 👋

My name is Reven Wood.

For multiple decades, I've been trading my own accounts profitably from my home in the beautiful state of Oregon. 

Most winning traders keep their secrets to themselves.

A valid question at this point could be:

Why does Reven bother running a trader platform, when he could just add a couple of contracts to increase his paycheck?

I’ll tell you.

What drives me is the frustration I personally experienced for many, many years.

What drives me is realizing how avoidable all that wasted time was.

What drives me is knowing I wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for the people in my own life who extended a helping hand, especially during my darkest hours.

What drives me are the emails I get from our traders in the Live Trading Desk, sharing how their lives are being changed, FOREVER, because of what they’ve learned. 

For me, I don’t get nearly as much of a thrill from a good trade as I do from helping someone else do the same for the first time.

Oh and trading can be terribly lonely, so I figured why not help others while forming new friendships with people who love the same thing I do?

On a personal note, I’ve been sober since 2013, and if there’s one thing AA taught me, it’s the power of paying it forward.

Ultimately, I do this for our members.

Take a moment and listen to their experience…

These recordings feature actual Market Flow Trader members who trade with us in the Live Trading Desk.
Success cannot be guaranteed. Individual results are based on a number of factors and WILL vary.
Investing is risky. Some studies show 90% of day traders (or more) lose money.

Verified Member Satisfaction Rating


Qualitative and quantitative feedback was complied from anonymous surveys conducted over 2023.
Success cannot be guaranteed. Individual results are based on a number of factors and WILL vary.

"That one little thing"

One of our members shared that he’d spent over $200k in education (not including losses) throughout his trading journey.

Only to find he was never told the one little thing he needed. 

Once he figured out that one little thing...

Everything fell into place.

Now he’s trading profitably with us. 

Picture a ship navigating through the open sea.

Successfully getting anywhere means relying on instruments and pointing the ship in the right direction. 

If your boat is off by just one single degree, it could throw the voyage off completely.

Depending on the distance, you’ll miss the destination port entirely.

People don’t usually wake up, watch a couple of YouTube videos, and then try their hand at ocean navigation.

Modern seafarers have access to professional training, copious safety checks, built-in redundancies, and peer/supervisor oversight.

They’re unlikely to miss one little thing, by design.

Trading ought to be—but rarely is—the EXACT same way.

At least, if you don’t want to end up lost at sea…


The typical room feeds you trades, nothing more.

And the thing is—

Copying trade signals not only makes you late to the trade...

It makes you dependent on someone else for profit!

What happens when your guru is gone?


Live Trading Desk is different.

💪 I personally offer over 26 years of experience, both positive and negative.

Believe me when I say I've screwed this up every way imaginable, meaning you don't have to.

You can pick my brain daily, ask questions, and learn by watching me trade LIVE market conditions.

💪 This community actually wants to see you succeed!

We discuss trades transparently and help each other improve.

No one's trying to guard their secrets or sell you the next indicator.

In fact, we have a family of MFT indicators you’ll get for FREE by joining…

💪 You'll learn to become your own trader in a structured learning environment.

My goal is to slowly remove the "training wheels" as your skills develop.

Someday you may not even need the live room anymore.

Though you’re welcome to stay—we have a few traders in there purely for the hang.

The LIVE TRADING DESK recipe is truly unique, and gives you everything to shortcut the learning curve and move faster towards the life you want for yourself.

good Traders ARE skeptical 🤨

We traders tend to be a little jaded, for good reason. 

There are too many courses, too many rooms, and too many gurus clamoring for dollars.

Before investing your precious time into a new system, methodology, or community, you deserve to have 2 essential boxes ticked: 

TRUST - It's easy to talk a big game...

☑ PROOF - All the testimonials in the world don't mean much until you see results yourself...

And I get it, I've been in your shoes.

Which is why I want to make this super easy for you... 

Come see for yourself: Join us for 7 days, FREE.

That's right—you can sit in on the Live Trading Desk, engage with our community, and learn our strategy.

All at no cost to you.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

You're at a crossroads, trader

There are three clear choices, from how I see it:

Go it alone.

Continue without structure or guidance, your same expensive mistakes will persist.

Maybe you have short hot streaks, but lasting success remains elusive.

B) Find another trading room.

You'll get some easy trade calls, but nothing that edifies your process as a trader.

Such rooms come and go, profits will be short-lived and counterproductive to your long-term success.

C) Join the Live Trading Desk.

Learn from yours truly, a 26 year trading vet.

Commit to a data-driven process, supported by a transparent community environment, climbing together toward mastery.

You can’t get back the “market tuition” you’ve paid in losing trades so far, but you CAN safeguard against future losses!

Will this be  YOUR moment?

Live Trading Desk exists because I didn't see it offered quite like this anywhere else.

If it already existed, we wouldn't have bothered creating it.

This is your chance to obtain the keys to EVERYTHING you need to succeed in the market for years to come.

✅ Exclusive, daily access to a seasoned trader

✅ 30-day roadmap for getting your trading on track

✅ Step-by-step instructions for implementing the MFT strategy

✅ Daily supervised trading to avoid losses

✅ Real-time order flow, price action, and market move insights

✅ Opportunity to book 1-on-1 coaching sessions

✅ A worldwide 24/7 community, all trading the same way  

✅ Learn to get funded and risk someone else's money

Our mission at Market Flow Trader is to challenge the statistic that only 10% of traders succeed. 

We’ve offering you the necessary mix of technical education, data-driven feedback loops, and guidance from experienced mentors to ensure your personal odds of success go way up

The only remaining variable becomes YOUR commitment to doing the work.

No more guessing.
NO more losing.

How much would you pay to reverse all your losses from the past 30 days?

Or, if you're new, to skip the losing phase entirely?

For most, the ROI on investing in a proven approach like ours pays for itself extraordinarily fast.

For less than what you’re probably spending on lunch each day, you can gain access to our live room...

PLUS everything else you'll need to shortcut years of struggle and finally trade profitably.

And you can Try it free...


It’s far more.

Your days of scouring Reddit forums and YouTube for scattered info, and jumping between Discord chats are about to be over.

An education and community unlike any other awaits.

Now, it's time to get you on the path to consistent profitability. 

I can't wait to see you in there!




WEEKLY – $49
$9.80/day to avoid bad trades

MONTHLY – $149 (24% OFF)
$7.45/day to avoid bad trades

QUARTERLY – $349 (41% OFF)
$5.81/day to avoid bad trades

Join today to lock in your subscription rate for life.
Pricing could increase without notice.

If you're still on the fence...

Success cannot be guaranteed. Individual results are based on a number of factors and WILL vary. Investing is risky. Some studies show 90% of day traders (or more) lose money.

Don’t let another day of profits slip away.

Join Live Trading Desk and start building the trading lifestyle you’ve always wanted.